Thursday, May 29, 2008

Artic Tale!!!!!!!

Today in class we watched a movie about the struggle of life of polar animals because of GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! In the movie they showed a polar bear family, of a mother and two kids. The babies are so cute when they tumble down the snow an dare playing around. During the course of the babies growth, they struggle to find food for THREE whole months. Can you even imagine not having any food for a whole day? Then the day had come, the sad tragedy of the movie, one of the baby polar bears died! How SAD! The struggle continues and neither the mom or baby has had any food, it is time for the mom to let her baby find its own way. How can she let her baby go in these circumstances?! Along with the polar bears the movie show a family of walruses. The walruses have an even a harder time because they can't say in the water too long and neither the land. This is a problem because the ice was not thick enough for the walruses to climb aboard on. After a few days, the walruses to find new land, well ice. That same day the baby polar bear decides he needs to find food and moves to a look out, off to new land. After three days of non- stop swimming, the polar bear finds another polar bear. After a compromise the other polar bear shares its food. Afterward, the baby leaves. On the other hand, the walruses had been swimming for a couple of days too, and land upon stiff land that they can rest on. A few months pass and the ice at their own home starts to form, so there will be enough ice for the polar bear and walruses to live on. How cute! They live happily ever after!

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